Monday, May 30, 2011

Apple Egg Rolls?

~Hi Everyone~
Picture me on roof top declaring " I LOVE HUNGRY GIRL"! 
She is my NEW HERO!
 I know what your thinking... "Seriously Alex, do you live under rock and only NOW discovered this friend to all peeps watching their weight?"   
 Answer : "Well no. I had dabbled at her dot com a few times and seen her books! But NOW she has a TELEVISION SHOW where she shares many of her amazing low cal tricks, tips and 
recipes for FREE!" 
 Yes, I am cheap and more over, a visual learner. Seeing her mix up her concoctions on my flat screen makes all the difference for me. I can almost smell the yummy goodness coming from the TV. So NOW, that I'm officially obsessed and her newest #1 FAN, I will be buying her recipe books, probably all of them. 
So here's one recipe I tried out and found to be AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS! Can you believe they're made with Egg Roll Wrappers and they clock in at only 110 calories! YAY! I can eat the WHOLE thing and still fit into my jeans :)
You can find the recipe HERE!
warm right out of the oven
 even better with some low fat whip cream and a dusting of cinnamon :)
 Thanks for visiting!
Don't FORGET...we are taking a hiatus from 
"Made It Myself Mondays" due to the Memorial Day Holiday! 
Go enjoy your family, friends, neighbors, BBQing and honoring our SERVICE HEROS! 
Our Next Linking Party will be RIGHT HERE on JUNE 6th!

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