Friday, May 13, 2011

The Cougar-Eat Famous Mint Brownies

Did you know that COUGARS like to bake ?
 BYU COUGARS that is! LOL!

You all know I had an amazing time on my recent trip to 
Women's Conference held at Brigham Young University. Part of my contentment was due to the fabulous food I ate there. However, I'm afraid to admit I ate FIVE of the BEST MINT BROWNIES I ever tasted in TWO DAYS while there, as I ran in between classes and events. No, I'm afraid the running didn't offset the calories!  
As with all trips I take, I like to bring home a little souvenir.  Well...I couldn't exactly pack a brownie in my carry-on bags BUT... I could swiftly Google the recipe for these 3x3 squares of bakery goodness as soon as I got home and plugged in my lap top! 
My version didn't come out as pretty as what they sell EVERYWHERE on campus...seriously, can you say 
"the freshman 15".... but pretty darn close :) 

the ingredients...
 yummy chocolate batter...
minty filling...
Top with chocolate frosting.... TADA !!!
 The real deal...

PREP AND COOK: 90 min. COOL: 1 hr.

1 c. margarine
1/2 c. cocoa
2 Tbsp. honey
4 eggs
2 c. sugar
1 3/4 c. flour
1/2 Tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 c. chopped walnuts
12 oz. chocolate icing (Use your own icing recipe or purchase some chocolate frosting. You can also search the Internet for chocolate icing recipes.)

5 Tbsp. margarine
dash of salt
3 Tbsp. milk
1 Tbsp. light corn syrup
2 1/3 c. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. mint extract
1-2 drops green food coloring

1. Melt margarine and mix in cocoa. Allow to cool. Add honey, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix well. Add nuts. Pour batter into a greased 9-by-13 baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool.

2. Prepare mint icing: Soften margarine. Add salt, corn syrup, and powdered sugar. Beat until smooth and fluffy. Add mint extract and food coloring. Mix. Add milk gradually until the consistency is a little thinner than cake frosting.

3. Spread mint icing over brownies. Place brownies in the freezer for a short time to stiffen the icing. Remove from the freezer and carefully add a layer of chocolate icing.

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