Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So Much To Share

Hello Everyone! 
It seems like an eternity since I've been on my laptop preparing a post! Some of you know that I was away on an amazing "Girls' Get A Way" with my dear friends Christy and Jane. We had the incredible opportunity to attend our church's annual Women's Conference in Provo Utah held at Brigham Young University! It was OUT of this WORLD AMAZING! Every year about twenty thousand women from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and their friends attend to hear inspirational, spiritual, temporal, and just everyday counsel based on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Also, to join in on humanitarian efforts to benefit the less fortunate around the world, learn new life skills and just to have fun!  For those who geographically cannot attend, they can view some of the key note addresses, classes and events on TV 
I was blown away by the HUGENESS of this event and how smoothly everything ran especially since there are very few paid employees of the church. Everyone volunteers their time and talents to put this event together, AMAZING! 
Here are a few snippets from my time there...

awaiting the opening presentation~20K women in the Marriot Stadium, woohoo girl power!
Checking out one many of the " Sharing Booths" ~ Creative Gardening
Checking out the Family History Library ~ 4 floors of Genealogical Records! WOW! Time to find my ancestors in Cuba, Spain, France, Germany and who knows were else!

 Walking around Historical Temple Square

The view from the Garden Roof Top Restaurant and delicious eats!
 Doing one of the many service projects ~ Making Newborn Hats for babies in Africa
It BLEW my MIND to see what 20 thousand women could do, all united in causes for good!
I met my favorite Christian Paint Artist Greg Olson, he signed my new painting!
I have a few of his paintings hanging in my home. Below is my favorite! 
Too bad he couldn't sign it, wouldn't fit in luggage lol!
 But I purchased this one below entitled "Let Him In"
Can't wait to frame and hang mine :)

The second day it SNOWED! Have you ever seen Tulips in the Snow ?!

My last day there I was able to spend it with my daughter and favorite little grandpeeps! What an AWESOME ending to a FABULOUS WEEK!

There was SO MUCH MORE that I didn't get pictures of, but if you would like info about next years event CLICK HERE

I'm home now unpacking and getting organized for the week, so much to do!  But GUESS WHAT! My friend Robyn The Pink Stamper called while I was away to ask if I would be join her Design Team! Robyn and I have become friends over the past few months and I'm so excited to work with her and join her team!

She has some FUN and EXCITING events coming up
that you won't want to to miss...

FIRST... My Pink Stamper NEW RELEASE this FRIDAY! You're gonna love the new stamp sets she's created!

SECOND...This Saturday is National Scrapbook Day! 
Join Robyn and her Design Team for this EXTRAVAGANZA!

Whew! That was a BIG POST! Hope you enjoyed and are having a WONDERFUL DAY!

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