~Hi Everyone ~
The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming...TRANSLATION: time to spruce up the yard! So my son, the hubs and myself have taken on a few simple projects around the yard. I thought you guys might enjoy a peek...
Part One : Cushion Re-Do
UGH! My existing patio seat cushions needed some serious CPR! Faded and old just wasn't going to cut it anymore, however, have you ever PRICED new patio cushions?! Not even the discount stores had the price I wanted to pay. And further more the actual inside filling was still in good shape, so I figured, no need to add to the land fills.
SOLUTION : Make my own cushion covers! With coupon and sale flyer in hand I made dash to Joann's, and picked up outdoor fabric which by the way, can also be pricey - so the coupon was ESSENTIAL to get this project done on a budget I was comfortable with :) Have I mentioned I'm pretty cheap :) hehe...
Here's the TUT...
Fold fabric in half creating a fold, place the one side of the cushion, in this case the front of the cushion edge along the fold and cut along the shape of the cushion leaving about 1 to 1/2 inches (depending on depth of cushion) Cut only on the 3 non fold sides, do not cut the folded side. I was generous with my seam allowance since I planned on tufting the cushion at the end.
Sew about a 1/2 seam allowance on 3 sides.
Leaving a whole on one side that you will use to insert your cushion by squishing and stuffing it in, be careful not to rip the seams you just worked so hard to sew :)
On the folded side, you are going to fold your cover the opposite direction creating a point at the two top corners. Lay it flat and sew across it about 2 inches in. This will create a box pleat that will allow for the thickness of the cushion.
Like this...
Turn your cover right side out and see how cool your box pleat looks :)
My hubby helped my stuff my old cushions into their new covers :) It's so nice to have a helper :)
Now reach into your cover and push back or slightly fold the cushion away from the opening making it easier to slip under your machines presser foot to sew it closed. Use pins to assist you in finger pressing and tacking the opening closed before placing it under the presser foot. This helps alot :) Sew as close to the edge as possible.
All closed up :) You may also hand sew the opening closed. But I like the sturdiness of using
the machine :)
TADA! They look great and I love the fresh new colors :) YAY! I plan on covering some buttons and tufting the cushion later :) This will make them look more pro and finished. But they look pretty good as it too :)
Stayed tuned for more of my
Linking up to Tracy's Party...

And Tip Junkie ...