Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preparing For An Emergency

~ Hi Everyone ~
 We all know the last couple of years have been hard on families with the down turn of the economy. Just getting the basics like food and gas have become increasingly expensive. The other day I spent over $3.00 on an eggplant! Hence why I decided to start my own backyard garden. 
But what if you didn't have any food ready to harvest and we just couldn't make or afford to go the supermarket? Layoff's, job loss, illness and even natural disasters are common place these days. It's a real concern. My husband and I have definitely been thinking about this for a few years now and have actively been storing away food for just that reason. 
 Check out this company eFoods Global and click on their Food Freedom Tour  for some helpful information on how to store food for a rainy day.They even have a special offer just for watching...

Viewers will receive 6 FREE MEALS, just for taking the Food Freedom Tour. 
 Yum! Au gratin Potatoes! 
 Looks delicious, can't wait to get my FREE Meals:)

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