Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Linda's Blog Hop & Tacky Tuesday

~ Happy Tuesday Everyone ~
I have TWO FUN EVENTS to share with you on my post today...

First ~ The super talented LINDA @ My Quilling Nest asked me to be a part of her fabulous blog hop
"It's My B-day and I'll Quill If I Want To" 
so if your hopping over from CARRIE'S BLOG
then you're in the right place, if not,  start at LINDA'S BLOG so you don't miss a thing! The projects are sure to impress!

Second ~ My fabulous friend Ruthie asked me to be a guest designer for this week's Tacky Tuesday Challenge on Facebook! And, of course I was happy and flattered to say YES! Seriously...what are friends for ?! LOL! The challenge is to use the "Chick" cut found on page 35 of the "Simply Charmed" cart and your sentiment must include the word "Chick" in it...sounds fun right ?!
  Now, you all know I'm the queen of practical over here at You Had Me At Craft, so of course I designed one project for both of these events ! 

Here's what I whipped up...
Details :
Chick and layer cut @ 2.75"
Grass cut @ 5"
Blue Layer cut @ 4 x 5.25
Plaid cut @ 3.75 x 5
Pattern papers DVWV
PKS Critter Faces Medium 
Sentiments My Pink Stamper
Embellishments : Prima Flowers, Martha Stewart ink,White Gel Pen, SU Brads, SU Markers

Hope you enjoyed my little "Chick" card, now off she goes in the mail for my dear friend Linda! 

Now then, this means you have two assignments, that I hope you will accept... 

# 1. Hop on over to PAM'S BLOG to continue with Linda's Bday Hop 


My BLOG CANDY for TODAY will be my FAV...
 Here's how to enter...
1. leave a comment on this post
2. be a follower of my blog
I will choose a winner Friday or Saturday :)
*please note, due to shipping I can only accept USA entries.

And last but not least you WON'T WANT TO FORGET...TADA.....

TONIGHT is the NIGHT for...
Ruthie and I have some SUPER DUPER plans for you!
Don't have all night ? Just pop in for as long as you can and say HELLO!  You might just catch a GIVEAWAY or 2 or 3, wink, wink! LOL!
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