Friday, September 30, 2011

Guest Designer Lala- Palooza with AMANDA

Hey Everyone!

   It's Amanda from My Scrappin Obsession, and I am so very excited and honored that Alex chose me to be a guest designer on her blog! I have been away from the crafting world enjoying my new house, getting through classes, and going through my second pregnancy (another girl!). That leaves very little time to craft but I feel this post is a great excuse to get back into my daily sharing.

   Now that I own a home I can decorate without any restrictions and so today, I want to share a home decor project. Halloween is quickly approaching and I made this art project to semi-spook up our entry. I say semi-spook because Halloween is still cutesy when a 17 month old girly girl is running around! :). Hope you enjoy!

I kept it simple because honestly, a lot of my scrap stuff is still packed :(. I wanted to add twine, buttons and glitter but that will have to wait! I think it still turned out pretty cute. Thank you again to Alex for letting me be today's guest designer. If you would like to see more of my crafts please visit my blog My Scrappin Obsession!
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