Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pioneer Day and New Pink Designers

Yesterday I spent the day with my sweet hubby celebrating
which commemorates the service of early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints under the request of the US Army to help secure important regions of the American Southwest during the Mexican/ American War in 1846. It was a HUGE sacrifice and an incredible march ON FOOT of nearly 2000 miles from Iowa to San Diego. The battalion consisted of about 500 men, a few women and children with no previous military experience. It was truly incredible and their contribution to the establishment of the early west is really amazing. If you'd like to know more about the history CLICK HERE
While there, I checked my email and was greeted with the WONDERFUL NEWS that I will continue to work with Robyn aka MY PINK STAMPER for her next DT Term! 
My Pink Stamper
Working with Robyn has been such a pleasure and I'm so honored that she has asked me to continue for another term! Check out Robyn's blog post announcement where you'll find a list of the rest of her Pink Designers!

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