Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Cow goes MOO! and A Winner!

~ Hi Everyone ~
WOW ! I can't believe it's Wednesday already and I haven't posted since Friday! So sorry to be MIA, but I think you all know about my little stomach virus snafu. I'm definietly on the mend- eating solids slowly, but anxious to get crafting, posting and there are so many other FUN THINGS coming up to tell you about! WOOHOO!
First off I wanted to share the fun project my daughter and I made for my grandson while she was here visiting! Now he has a place to store and play with all his little farm animal toys! 

  Isn't it SOO CUTE !The pattern came from Bugga Bugs Etsy Shop.  She has alot of cute felt projects there.

GUESS WHO WON the Nikki Sivils Prize Pack !

Karen said :
Super cute card and I love how you used that journaling spot on the inside! So sorry to hear you're fun at all!

Congrats Karen ! You've Got Mail ! 

Now DON'T FORGET ! This weekend I have some UBBER EXCITING things planned for ALL of you !

On Friday night TUNE INTO...
Ruthie and I have some super FAB PROJECT TUTS to share, along with some FUN GIVEAWAYS! Click on the button to learn more !

Then beginning Saturday...
It's My BLOG-AVERSARY and LINKING PARTY! Everyone is invited to JOIN THE FUN and they'll be AWESOME CANDY too! And a SPECIAL GUEST! Who could it be ? :)

And last but not least, also on Saturday will be my PREMIERE as the...
You'll be able to join me EVERY SATURDAY for some fun and easy TUTS featuring EAD Designs Vinyl Projects! 

WHEW! That's ALOT of STUFF ! But I am SO READY to share all these fun EVENTS with you! 
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and all your friendship and support!
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