Saturday, March 12, 2011

Before and After

~ Happy Saturday Everyone ~
Most of you know that I've spent the past week in mom and grannie mode/heaven visiting my kids and grand little people in Salt Lake City! Yup, my hubby and I are empty nesters and all the adult kiddos are either pursuing under grad or post graduate degrees there. My daughter already has hers and is now a stay at home mom. Great place to get an education, super chilly winters. 

Anyways, while I was there, I got the most amazing news...
(((Drum Roll Please)))
E.A.D. DESIGNS has asked me to be their 
What exactly is a B and A girl, you ask?...Well, every Saturday beginning in April, I get to show you the all the amazing possibilities for your Crafty Home Decor Projects using E.A.D's rocking vinyl products... wall art, glass block designs, wood block signs, chore boards, canvas art and so much more! 
I'm so excited to get my creative mojo hat on and come up with some fun and fab ideas to share with you! 
Stayed tuned!  Some fun giveaways will be part of the fun too!

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