This is not THE puppy, just what I am hoping for in color.
He's still in vitro, mama due early July :) Hopefully she has a boy, of course :) But I wanted to get a head start and think of
a really COOL NAME.
SOOOO...I've decide to enlist YA'LL's help ~ No, I'm not from the south, but as I was typing a southern drawl came out, so I went with it :)
A few of you already gave me some really cute suggestions on FB, then I had the IDEA! Why not do A GIVEAWAY for whoever suggests a name that I whind up using! What if I gave away this...would you HELP ME think of a name?
YAY! This is going to be so much FUN!
OKAY, this is how it will go...
1. USE MR LINKY to post your PUPPY NAME SUGGESTION, do not enter your nameONLY THE PUPPY name should be visible in your link ~If you made a suggestion on FB please LINK IT HERE :) So I have them all in one place :)
2. If two or more peeps suggest the same name, only the first person to link it will win.
HI! Thanks for stopping by ! It won't take you too long to figure out that I'm addicted to all things diy, crafty, anything organizational and trying out heathy new recipes. Join me for the ride! I'm happily married to my dear husband for 28 years, mother of 3 amazing children, mother-in-law to 2 wonderful people , grandmother of 3 amazing little people, with yet another on the way..