Thursday, April 21, 2011

Home Sweet Home

 ~ Hi friends ~
I know, I know...I've been MIA for a few days! This is why...
My beautiful family !
I think most of you know that most of my kids are still in college pursuing their degrees and they don't live close to us. So when college semester is over, they all come home to California for some R&R and family time :)  Ryan, my son in law is a therapist and pursuing his PHD in Counseling Psychology at the University of Utah. My daughter Lisset graduated with her bachelors in Interior Design from Brigham Young University, she's a full time mom now. Jaime my oldest son will be graduating this August also from Brigham Young University with his degree in Economics and he plans on attending Law School. His wife, Sheridan will graduate next spring in Bio Chemistry. Jonathan, my youngest is currently working on his bachelors also at Brigham Young and is pursuing a career in the Medical Field.
It's wonderful time when we all get together after a hard school year! We look forward to it so much and my husband and I pretty much drop everything to spend as much time with the family as possible.

 Here's a taste of one of the special things I like to do for my family when we are all visiting...

Step 1 : grind some wheat
 Step 2 : Mix up all the ingredients and make the doe
 Step 3: Let the doe rise
 Step 4 : Admire the lovely loaves while they cool :)
 Step 5 : Slap on some butter and eat!
There's nothing like the smell and taste of fresh baked home made bread! The family just gobbles it up and I love to 
watch them do it! LOL! Oh yeah, and I have a few slices too :)

Now you know what I'm up to if I haven't posted in a few days :) But no worries, I have a whole bunch of fun projects to share very soon! In fact, tune in tomorrow - I'll be in an Earth Day Hop and I have a GIVEAWAY too!
  Have A Wonderful Day!  
P.S. If you like to learn how to make your home bread, send me a message and
I'd be happy to send you some info.

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