Tuesday, December 14, 2010


She said ....
" What a genius idea! I love that you made it in the shape of a crockpot, just darling! I can't believe it is your first mini album! "

She is the lucky winner of the Micheal's Gift Card !

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to ALL who stopped by and left such wonderful comments! 
It gave me so much more confidence to go and make some more mini albums...they are really fun to make !

By the way..I wanted to let you know that I probably will be MIA for a little bit ! My mother in law is visiting and although I love her to death, its kinda hard to slip away to my craft room while she's here. So don't forget me :) I know I won't last too too long with out needing a "crafting fix "...hehehe...so I'll be back soon :)
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