Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Chevron Yoga Skirt

~ Hi there ~

Well HI YA peeps! I know, I've been gone for a while huh? But I promise for good reasons...

# lovely daughter in law Sheridan graduated from college..whoop! whoop!
# 2 ...My husband and I got to attend church with my son Jaime  (pictured above) as he was released from his church calling as 2nd counselor in a bishopric ( sort of a big deal if you're a mormon )

# 3...Got to hang out with these two cuties....

# 4 ...while my daughter and her husband (picture below)...
# 5...brought this little bundle into the world....
 Hello my new granddaughter....ABBEY NINA STEVENSON... YAY for grandkids and HAPPY FAMILY occasions !!!

NEEDLESS to say...I had a GREAT TIME and I'm super HAPPY MOM and GRANDMA ...

Nothing like a BIT O' JOY to get your CREATIVE juices flowing. So immediately after getting  home from my trip. I whipped out the sewing machine and decided to make this...

HELLO comfy, stretchy and cool CHEVRON YOGA SKIRT !
  OH YES, and meet my new SIDE KICK....her name is Ethel! She's my new best friend sewing buddy!

Want to make a CHEVRON YOGA SKIRT for yourself?  Check out these two super awesome blogger tutorials...HERE and HERE 

The tuts are for maxi skirts, but I didn't have quite enough material so I just adjusted the length and didn't make mine so full. I am in LOVE...I think I'll make a million is every color! Sounds like a encore trip to the LA fabric district is in the cards for me :)

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