Monday, July 23, 2012


~ Hi There ~
The UPS made a super happy DELIVERY last week...can you guess what it was?


I SQUEALED and TWIRLED around the room like a school girl when I saw it! WEEEEE!!!!

I did have to wait a bit to get it though , 2 weeks to be exact for it to arrive. I had taken advantage of the Oh My Crafts 25% off coupon that was offered not too long ago, even though I had there was some kind of BRU HA HA associated with the coupon, some error had occurred and therefore Oh My Crafts was delaying delivery. I really didn't know what the facts were BUT since I've always had excellent customer service from Oh My Crafts and they had sponsored my blog at times before. I decided the wait was worth it and OH YEAH the savings...25% OFF was a smoking deal ! I'm a sucker for a bargain :)

With in minutes of opening the box and downloading the software, I was cutting my first shapes! WHOOP WHOOP !!!

Just like everyone told me...the cuts turned out GREAT! But oops, I forgot to take a picture of my finished cut. I wound up playing around with some rolled flower shapes, it was fun! I used my $10 FREE SHAPES CARD which was included, to download some fun shapes too.

I'M SO EXCITED for all this machine has to offer. OF COURSE, the down side is, there is always a learning curve when acquiring a new, especially electronic toy, BUT I'm just going to set some time aside and learn, learn, learn, play, play, play :)

If you guys know of any resources that might be helpful to me in learning the all means...give me a shout out ! I've already been poking around and found THIS site and THIS You tube channel for tutorials, shapes and tips!

Thanks so much to everyone that has shared the excitement with me as I transition from Cricut girl to a Cameo girl :)

On a sadder note...I just wanted to say,  love and prayers go out to all those that have been effected by the awful tradegy in Aurora Colorado this past weekend. I was horrified and deeply saddened as I watched the events unravel.
May God bless and protect us all and let's remember...even in the very face of evil...GOOD does prevail.

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