Thursday, September 6, 2012

Flying Objects

Hi there ~

So at our last FACETIME session, my grandson Ethan announced he wanted a FLYING OBJECTS THEMED BIRTHDAY PARTY !Meaning airplanes, rockets, jets and helicopters. Absolutely no NON engine objects ALLOWED ( kites, balloons etc ) Heavens NO! So I went a little crazy in the craft sewing room, pulled out my new CAMEO ( love it)  and sewing machine and serger and went CRAZY making banners, party favors, and decorations! Before I knew it I had a complete FLYING OBJECTS BIRTHDAY PARTY SET...just add cake, balloons and a bunch of 6 year olds, LOL!

I packed it up neatly in a box, headed to the post office and off it went to my grandson in Utah...flying objects indeed!

I'm happy to report he received his special care package yesterday and he's THRILLED and all READY for his birthday party shin-ding this weekend!!! OHHH, how I wish I could be there to see his sweet little happy face.. but alas, the miles separate us :( ... BUT!  I know my daugther will take great pictures and soon we'll be sitting and chatting enjoying our next FACETIME session! Gotta love technology, flying objects and all!!!  

Using my NEW Silhouette Cameo, felt, thick striped ribbon folded in half like binding, assorted fabrics and pellon 800 interfacing, I came up with this terrific personalized banner! If you want some tips on how to cut fabric using an electronic cutting machine like the Cameo or Cricut this is a GREAT TUTORIAL 

I simply headed to Joanns',  got a yard and 1/4 of novelty fabric, ran it thru my Brother 1034D Serger
to finished the egdes,  ironed it and wha- la...perfectly coordinated with the rest of the party stuff :)

 Again, using my Silhouette Cameo, I downloaded some free shapes using my $10 free shapes card that somes with the Cameo when you first purchase it, and cut these out in a various sizes. These can be used on the wall with the banner or attached to some toothpicks and used to decorate a cake :)

 I googled  "airplane party favors" and found with several pictures and tutorials on how to make these adorable party favors out of Lifesavors, Smarties, Packs of Gum and rubber bands. Who thinks of these things ??? - GENIUS !!! What would us crafters do without google images, pinterest and blogs??? Luckily, we don't need to find out!!!
Note: next time I would use the white mint lifesavors because the fruit ones are sticky to handle.

I found these mini lunch sacks at Michaels, so cute!!! This was my first time using the PRINT and CUT feature on my CAMEO and I was BLOWN AWAY! Super easy to do with this machine. I found this tutorial on Doodling Debbie's You tube Channel on how to make customize tags, rounding text into a circle and printing and cutting. Thanks Debbie for sharing your talents on how to use the Silhouette Cameo! She has a great BLOG too!!! I've learned so much from her :)

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