Remember when I ventured off to the LA Fabric District
a couple of weeks ago and came back with my fabric haul of knits?!

That's less than half of it....Oops!!!
WHA-ELL!!! about "worth my time"! As soon as I could, I challenged myself to make a DRESS! Yup, a FULL real ready to wear, top and bottom garment! To be honest, I was scared to death... but determined! After all... I had invested time and money in acquiring the fabric, right?!, AND spent countless hours searching blogs and pinterest for ideas and tutorials.
I was committed and there was no turning back NOW! Let the pattern drafting, cutting, sewing, serging and fittings begin!
Here's what I got for my efforts...{insert feelings of giddy satisfaction}

AAAaaa!!! I REAL DRESS!!! Something I could actually wear in public! I hadn't constructed a full garment like this since my days of trying to make Halloween customs for my kids! {sighs of happiness and relief }

Using my Brother Serger 1034D. I gift I'd gotten myself almost a year ago, I was able to produce PERFECT GATHERS! I'll never do gathers the old way again! EVER! Not to mention, finish the seams with a secure neat stitch! Highly recommend this machine, even for the novice sewist :)

If there was anywhere in this project I thought I would screw up, it would have been attaching the set in SLEEVES! But YAHOO! Success the first time, thanks to all those tutorials I studied. And LOOK the sleeves even have a cuff :)

And last but not I AM all ready to go church with my new DRESS! Taking pictures of yourself is so AWKWARD!

I hope to do some simple technique tutorials myself in the coming months so I can share what I learned. In the meantime, check out my PINTEREST PAGE under my boards for SEWING TIPS and SEWING PROJECTS for ME and KIDS.