WOW! 3 YEARS! I could have never imagined back on April 21, 2010 when the first post of YOU HAD ME CRAFT appeared that this party could have gone on this long! And what a PARTY it as been!
I wholeheartedly attribute the success of my blog to ALL of my friends, fellow bloggers, and talented crafters that have joined and visited me here over the years!
THANK YOU THANK YOU and a million times THANK YOU!!!
It is always bitter sweet to say good bye to something you have loved so much for so long, but equally heart warming to know that the time is right to move on to something new.
Effective today March 13, 2013, I announce the close of my blog
YOU HAD ME AT CRAFT.....for now.
{ cause ya never know what the future might hold, lol}
Life is just simply taking me in a new direction, and I no longer can give my blog the attention nor the time it demands and deserves. I guess I knew the end was coming for a while now, but it’s been hard to break away.
Here's a clue of some of the "things" that I've been up to!
And yet another little guy joined my munchkin crew {grandkids) just last month!

I'm so grateful for all the wonderful people I've "met" here along the way and for letting me be a small part of your creative lives. I have learned and grown as a crafter because of you !
You'll still see me lurking around your blogs, posting comments and maybe see me on some crafting social sites. So Hey! Don't forget to say HELLO!
AND if you just happen to be here for the very first time, feel free to back track and check out the over 300 posts, videos and projects I have posted in the past.
Wishing all of you the very best that life can offer and all the blessings a loving Heavenly Father has in store for you!
Exclusivity and Copy Right Information :
ALL CONTENT included on this site CONTINUES
to be COPYRIGHT OWNED © Alex C Designs. Including the blog name “ YOU HAD ME AT”. ALL pictures, videos and content are protected under this copyright.
You may "cut and
paste" ONE picture from this blog
to your blog or other social network site, AS LONG as it is accompanied by a
DIRECT LINK to this blog mentioning this blog name and Alex as the original author.
Thank you!